10. 03. 2014
In order to advance the program content of member stations ANEM has, during 2012 and 2013, provided member stations with high quality media content that was broadcasted free of charge:
1. Documentary film "Artists look at the past," directed by Dino Mustafic, produced by the Coalition for RECOM, 30 minutes. In the film where well-known artists from former Yugoslavia share their private memories, recollections, and hopes for the future.
2. Documentary film "Let`s not lie to each other," 40 minutes, is part of the "Instinomer" project of the Belgrade NGO CRTA. The film criticizes the failures that has accompanied democratic changes that have begun in 2000 in different fields (human rights, institutional reform, the public sector, media, the judiciary, economy, health, education).
3. "Econews" serials, produced by KCMedia, and created during journalistic training that the production company organized for young journalists and journalism students. During 2012 and 2013 ANEM member TV stations broadcasted a total of five serials with following themes : energy, refugees and displaced persons, international cultural and educational exchanges , military cooperation, and philanthropy in Serbia. Each series contains 3 to 5 half-hour programs, and each episode has 5 - 6 program items.
4. TV program "An agenda for a new government ," also produced by KCMedia as part of training for young journalists and students. Each 50-minute program contains highlights of pre-elections public debates organized in several Serbian towns, when representatives of political parties responded to direct questions by young people trained for public debates.
5. Three world music concerts, organized by NGO "Tutti Serbia." The concerts were held in Belgrade in June 2011, April 2012, and September 2012, and program consisted of traditional music from the Balkans and other countries performed by musicians from Serbia and abroad.
6. Radio program "Roads of Justice," produced by the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN). 24 monthly ten-minute radio shows focus on transitional justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, and Serbia, and topics like war crime trials, criminal law and regional cooperation, progress in post-war reconciliation, etc.
7. TV short "University students provide adult literacy training for Roma women and men," produced by NGO Civic Initiatives, 12 minutes. In the film Roma men and women, participants in adult literacy training, talk about their lives, living conditions, and what it means to finally learn to read and write.
8. IREX documentary film "Development of independent media in Serbia," 28 minutes, about efforts of Serbian media to attain independence over the past 20 years, and the support provided to them by USAID and IREX.
9. As part of the project "Naming IT War," NGO Center for Cultural Decontamination produced six ten-minute TV shows that summarize a series of public discussions of 2012-2013. Topics include the social, political, and personal consequences of the war that deeply defined everyone's life in Serbia, while its authorities persistently deny state involvement in the war/wars of 1990s in former Yugoslavia .
10. Ten episode series "Her Choice," produced by Media Team Leader CK, supported by the Fund for an Open Society. The theme of the series are the problems women in Serbia face in their lives. Eight-minute episodes focus on the history of the struggle for women's rights in Serbia since late 1800s, emancipation and feminism, gender equality, use of gender-sensitive language by media, women in politics, women in public life, business women, transitional processes, ect. Journalist Svetlana Kojanovic is the author of the project which lasted for over a year.
11. Documentary film "Movable Art Colonies: Transforming dying towns into art residencies" was directed by Marko Mamuzic and lasts 30 minutes. Produced by the Zemun Small Art Center (ZMUC) it presents two well established art colonies in Kikinda and the village of Jalovik, but also efforts of local and international artists and architecture students who in 2013 launched two new international art colonies in the Serbian village of Babe and the village of Rezevici in Montenegro. The project and the film were supported by the Ministry of Culture and Information and the European Cultural Foundation .

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