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06. 02. 2013

Google to pay 60 million euros into French media fund

Paris, February 6, 2013 (Reuters) - Google is to pay 60 million euros ($82 million) into a special fund to help French media develop their presence on the Internet under a ...

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11. 01. 2013


Washington, January 11, 2013 (VOA) - A record number of more than a hundred reporters were killed last year while performing their job, Voice of America reported.That is why ...

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09. 01. 2013

German Newspaper Bankruptcy a Sign of the Times

Frankfurt, January 9, 2013 (Speiegel) - The Frankfurter Rundschau, one of Germany's most venerable dailies, has filed for bankruptcy, citing massive losses and falling circulation ...

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19. 12. 2012

Journalist deaths spike in 2012

New York, December 19, 2012. (CPJ) - The number of journalists killed in the line of duty rose sharply in 2012, as the war in Syria, a record number of shootings in Somalia ...

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13. 12. 2012

Showdown at Dubai conference over greater government control of Web

Dubai, December 13, 2012 (The National) - A UN conference weighing possible internet rules shifted into high-stakes showdowns today after advancing a proposal for greater ...

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11. 12. 2012

Record number of journalists arrested worldwide

New Yor, December 11, 2012 (Beta) - A record number of journalists has been imprisoned around the world this year - as many as 232, which is 53 more than 2011. This was announced ...

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26. 11. 2012

Presentation of the Research "Citizens' Views on Media Freedoms in Montenegro"

Podgorica, November 26, 2012 (CEDEM) - Centre for Democracy and Human Rights in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Montenegro organized a presentation of the results of ...

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22. 11. 2012

"Impunity core problem in deadliest year for journalists"

Vienna, November 22, 2012 (IPI) - A total of 119 journalists have been killed so far this year as a consequence of their work, according to the International Press Institute ...

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14. 11. 2012


New York, November 14, 2012 (jimromenesko.com) - Journalists, advertising professionals and other Guild-represented employees at The New York Times on Tuesday ratified a new ...

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14. 11. 2012

BBC to mark 90 years of broadcasting with composition by Damon Albarn

London, November 14, 2012 (BBC, The Independent) - A composition created by Blur frontman Damon Albarn will be played on every BBC radio station at the same time today to ...

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