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05. 11. 2012

Greek journalists to strike on Monday over social security reforms

Athen, November 5, 2012 (Ekathimerini) -  Greek journalists will be on strike for the second time in less than a week on Monday to protest plans to merge their social security fund with a national scheme.

Media employees went on strike on Wednesday, October 31 to voice their opposition to the government's plans to stop the operation of their separate fund.

The government's initial bid to pass the legislation failed on Wednesday. Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras was not able to get a majority on the draft law proposing that the social security funds of journalists, civil engineers, lawyers and other be inducted into the National Organization for Healthcare Provision (EOPYY).

The amendment, attached to the privatization bill, had been submitted to Parliament late on Tuesday, prompting the Panhellenic Journalists' Union (POESY) to call a 24-hour strike as it argues media employees' funds should not be merged with EOPYY because they are self-financing.

Monday's strike was called after the government said it intended to resubmit the bill to Parliament on Wednesday as part of the package of structural measures that MPs will be called to vote upon.

The journalists' action comes ahead of a 48-hour general strike on Tuesday and Wednesday. Unlike on Monday, when there will be a media blackout, there will only work stoppages for journalists on Tuesday and Wednesday.

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