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26. 11. 2013


Paris, November 26, 2013 (Beta) - The UN General Assembly will vote on a proposal to declare 2 November for the International Day for the Punishment of Crimes Against Journalists.

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told Radio France Culture that the proposal comes from the France, and that the 2 November was chosen because on that day two journalists were killed in Mali:  Radio France International`s  Ghislaine Dupont  and Claude Cerlon.

Ghislaine Dupont  and Claude Cerlon were kidnapped and killed in the town of Kidal while filming an interview with the leader of the Tuareg rebels. The bodies of journalists were found some time later 12 kilometers from the Kidal.

"In order to protect the right to inform and be informed, strong support should be provided for the journalistic profession and be strict when someone attacks and commits crimes against journalists," said Fabius.

He added that journalism is "a wonderful occupation" and that it is necessary to change the status of the reporter, as they would be better protected.

"For decades you were protected by journalistic status, but now because of it you are exposed (to violence)," said Fabius.

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