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31. 01. 2014


Belgrade, January 31, 2014 (Beta) - Radio Free Europe ( RFE) Balkan Service celebrates 20 years of existence today.

The first broadcast of Radio Free Europe, Program in South Slavic languages ​​ was transmitted on  31 January 1994, at 6 p.m. from studios in Munich, where at that time RFE was located.

The program has been conceived from the beginning as regional, multi-ethnic and multi-linguistic .

"We have opted for a multi-ethnic program in the midst of war and at a time when Deutsche Welle, the Voice of America, BBC and other foreign stations have already split former joint programs and formed  ​​one-nation newsrooms," recalls the radio station.

Radio Free Europe has, as it is reminded, remained for a long time the only regional program in the Western Balkans, which was at one point broadcasted by over 200 radio and TV stations.

Radio and TV programs in six languages ​​for five countries in the region today are broadcasted by over 150 media outlets, and listeners across the region and the world are listening to and reading RFE via the Internet.

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