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10. 06. 2014

Difficult position of the media in Serbia

10.6.2014. (EurActiv.rs; autor: Smiljana Vukojičić Obradović) - Although the authorities in Serbia verbally advocate the freedom of the media and free expression, a number ...

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10. 06. 2014

Davenport: EU on side of freedom of expression

10.6.2014 (Tanjug, B92) -  Head of the EU Delegation in Serbia Michael Davenport stated on Tuesday that freedom of expression is a fundamental right on which any democratic ...

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10. 06. 2014


10.6.2014 (Danas; by B. Cvejić) - Commissioner welcomed changes in the Law on Electronic Communications.Changes and amendments to the Law on Electronic Communications, adopted ...

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09. 06. 2014

Prime minister accuses OSCE of "lying"

9.6.2014. (B92, Beta, Tanjug) - Aleksandar Vučić says he has evidence that many in the international community are putting pressure on media in Serbia to campaign against ...

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09. 06. 2014


09. 06. 2014 (Tanjug, B92) - Serbia is lagging behind in the implementation of the digitalization process and has completed about 15 to 20 percent of the job, says the Minister ...

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09. 06. 2014

Ćuruvija Foundation welcomes indictment

9.6.2014. (Tanjug; B92) - The Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation welcomed Organized Crime Prosecution's decision to indict suspects for the murder of journalist Slavko Ćuruvija.The ...

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09. 06. 2014


09. 06. 2014 (Beta, Mondo) - Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia Раula Тhiede said last night that that the organization will not apologize to Serbian Prime Minister ...

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09. 06. 2014

"Censorship, self-censorship, pressure on media"

9.6.2014. (B92) - Freedom of the media in Serbia is facing serious problems, Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission in Serbia Paula Thiede has said.This official took part in B92 ...

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07. 06. 2014

EFJ Condems Detention of Serbian Journalist for Critical Post

(07 June 2014) The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has learned today that RTV Mladenovac's journalist Dragan Nikolic was yesterday detained and interrogated by the ...

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06. 06. 2014

Indictment raised in Ćuruvija case

6.6.2014. (B92) - The indictment for the murder of Slavko Ćuruvija has been raised 15 years after the journalist and publisher was shot and killed outside his home in Belgrade.The ...

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Pravni monitoring
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New Media Laws

To what extent will the new media laws help the Serbian media sector develop?

A great deal



Not at all


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