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22. 08. 2008


The Rulebook on Electronic Surveillance of Internet communication makes impossible the internal communication of the Board for Resolving of Conflict of Interest

Belgrade, August 20, 2008 (Beta, Tanjug, B92) – The Republic Board for Resolving of Conflict of Interest has announced that provisions of the RATEL-s Rulebook prevent the internal e-mail communication of those regulatory and overseeing bodies which are obliged by law to keep confidential the information they have received as result of their activities.

"One of such bodies is the Republic Board, which, in accordance with the Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest, is required to provide protection of personal data from possible abuse, especially regarding data on officials or persons related to them in situations which do not constitute conflict of interest."

The Republic Board considers that the Managing Board of RATEL should immediately modify the disputed provisions of Technical Conditions and harmonize them with established international agreements and other domestic legislation, it is said in the announcement.

Related News:

* ANEM to Condemn RATEL's Technical Conditions Document and Way of Its Adoption (ANEM Statement, July 29th, 2008)

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