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17. 02. 2011

ANEM condemns campaign against B92

Belgrade, February 17, 2011 (B92) - The Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) condemned mock death notices and propaganda aimed against B92.

The incidents strengthened the negative climate that places in jeopardy the functioning and the role of the media in a democratic society, a statement from the organization said.

ANEM said that the posters advertising against the media company, which is one of its members, first appeared in Lazarevac, western Serbia, two weeks ago, when B92 started broadcasting its Insajder investigative program dealing with financial abuses at the local mining basin Kolubara.

This time, death notices were also posted all over the town, stating that B92 has died and that the funeral will be organized by the chief editor of B92 and authors of the program

The local police do not know who organized the printing and posting of these and other posters that have been showing up around the town for three weeks now.

ANEM believes that such events constitute a call to lynch research reporters and testify of the increasingly difficult position of reporters and the media that dare to approach serious social problems in Serbia from a critical standpoint.

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