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19. 08. 2011

Presentation of the Proposal of the Draft Media Strategy soon

Kraljevo, August 19, 2011. (Tanjug) - Minister of Culture, Media and Information Society, Predrag Markovic, said today in Kraljevo that the Government had formed the Commission that would provide suggestions on the final text of the proposal of the draft of the Strategy next week and that the final version of this document would be presented to the public in the end of August.

Asked for the reasons why the present version of the text is not available to the public, the Minister answered that it was contrary to common sense to publicly present the text that was not a final version of the Proposal.

He said that the process was completely transparent but that the procedure must be followed. He also emphasized that nothing had been hidden from the public in the hitherto procedure of drafting the Proposal of the Media Strategy. All remarks received during the public debate as well as the audio-video recordings from the round tables are available on the Ministry's website.

The Minister said that the Strategy should establish clear rules and equal conditions for all. He said that this document would ascertain the ways in which the state would promote its values and that the media outlets should go on the market without seeking the state aid.

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