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24. 08. 2011

Markovic: Opinion on the Media Strategy by September 5th

Belgrade, August 24, 2011 (Tanjug) - Predrag Markovic, Minister of Culture, Media and Information Society said today that the expert Commission would give its opinion on the text of the working version of the Draft Media Strategy by September 5th and that the text would be presented in the Serbian Parliament before the Government declares on it.

He added that the Strategy, same as any other legal document, needed to be considered by interested parties before its adoption by the Government and Parliament and mentioned that one of the interested parties was the Agency for Protection of Competition, because the Strategy provided solutions on the issue of media ownership.

He said that the Commission was composed of representatives of the Ministry's Sector for Media and Telecommunications, the Ministry of Finance, the Republic Secretariat for Legislation, the European Integration Office and the experts of the European Commission and working group that prepared the first Draft.

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