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09. 09. 2011

Unauthorized use of radio-frequency spectrum

Beograd, September 9, 2011. (RATEL) - Unauthorized use of radio-frequency spectrum creates economic inequality on the market of broadcasting services, interferes the work of legal users of radio-frequency spectrum and endangers the safety of air transport, as well as the work of other vital services that use this form of communication.

The Republic Agency for Electronic Communications (RATEL), in accordance with its legal competencies, has been continuously taking appropriate measures to stop the work of FM radio and TV stations whose broadcasting is detected during  control of the radio frequency spectrum and that do not have licenses for broadcasting.  The Agency has initiated appropriate procedures for sanctioning the owners of these radio stations.

The List of unauthorized users (FM radio and TV stations) of radio-frequency spectrum:

1. Radio Raka Ešinger, Lazarevac
2. Radio Kosmos, Lazarevac
3. Radio Link, Valjevo
4. Radio Krajina, Futog
5. Radio Orion, Inđija
6. Radio Kabanova, Zemun
7. Radio Vaki, Zemun
8. Radio MS, Novi Sad
9. Radio Zec (Hit), Novi Sad
10. Radio Antena, Novi Sad
11. Radio Boss, Novi Sad
12. Radio Roma, Vranje
13. Radio Duga, Trgovište
14. Radio Bujanovac, Bujanovac
15. Radio Šane, Provo
16. Radio Spektri, Bujanovac
17. Radio Novosadski folk radio, Novi Sad
18. Radio Balkan, Beograd (na više lokacija po Srbiji)
19. Radio Skarabej, Subotica
20. Radio 90, Hajdukovo
21. Radio Fleš, Aranđelovac
22. TV TNT, Bela Crkva
23. Radio BB, Sombor
24. Radio Minić, Kuršumlija
25. Radio 103, Subotica
26. Radio Padina, Padina
27. Radio Oskar, Vrčin
28. Bošnjačka TV, Novi Pazar
29. Radio Boss, Surčin
30. Radio Kult, Požarevac
31. Radio Narodni, Beograd
32. Radio Enigma, Prijepolje
33. Radio Delfin, S. Mitrovica
34. TV Palma, Zemun
35. Radio Aškali, Novi Sad
36. Radio Ibis, Melenci (Zrenjanin)
37. Radio Iks, Valjevo
38. TV Aškali, Novi Sad
39. Radio AS, Velika Plana
40. TV Duga, Trgovište
41. Radio Narodni, Apatin
42. Radio Next, Provo
43. Radio Dolče, Beograd
44. Radio Antena, Beograd
45. Radio Fantom, Melenci
46. Radio Herc, Surčin
47. Radio Toplica, Beograd
48. TV A&S Music, Smederevska Palanka
49. Radio Skala, Novi Sad
50. Radio Patak, Apatin
51. TV Rama, Negotin
52. TV Marš, Valjevo
53. TV Cronic, Valjevo
54. Radio Svet Plus, Ruma
55. TV AS, Krepoljin
56. Radio Suton, Novi Sad

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