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14. 10. 2011

The end of financing media from state budget funds

Belgrade, October 14, 2011. (Blic) - By signing the Stabilization and Association Agreement, Serbia obliged to end the practice of direct financing of the media from state budget funds, as of January 1, 2012. Dragana Milicevic Milutinovic, assistant of the Minister in charge of the media, says that all what was envisaged by the recently adopted Media Strategy and the Action Plan will be respected.  

In addition to that, provisions of the Law on State Aid Control related to public information will be implemented, says Milicevic Milutionovic. Vincent Deger, Chief of the EU mission to Serbia recently said, that issues initiated by the Anti-Corruption Council in its report did not surprise, and estimated that the issues such as state ownership in the media, financing and advertizing as the main source of funding, were also recognized by the Media Strategy.

The media are free as much they manage to gain that freedom. The freedom must not be taken for granted - says Milicevic Milutinovic.

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