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20. 01. 2012


Novi Sad, January 20, 2012 (Dnevnik) - Nine years after the attack of the then member of the Parliament and president of Nova Srbija political party Velimir Ilic on the the TV Apolo journalist Vladimir Jesic, Ilic finally appeared before the court in Novi Sad, in the proceedings instigated by Jesic's complaint.

The main hearing before the judge of the Basic Court Natasa Dacic was opened with the presentation of evidence and questionning of the defendant and witnesses of this incident.

Previously, Ilic was found guilty of inflicting minor physical injuries to Jesic and causing damage to journalist's honor and reputation. The court had ordered Ilic to pay 9.5 million dinars at that point, however, Ilic had filed a complaint to the verdict and the procedure was re-opened.

Presenting his case before the judge, Ilic said he barely remembered the incident and requested the case to be adjourned. However, the judge dismissed the request, on the grounds of his defence lawyers having enough time to prepare and get acquainted with the material.

After reviewing the entire footage of the incident, Velimir Ilic restated his claims that the whole case was forged and that he was intentionally provoked by the journalist. During the main hearing, Ilic also said that he had not kick the journalist, but the folder he was holding in front of him. Had he kicked the journalist in such a manner, it would have caused more serious injury, as he was still in a good physical shape. He maintained the opinion that the whole incident, together with the legal process against him, was fabricated in order to publicly discredit him, which finally led him to decide not to run for president in the presidential elections.

Vladimir Horovic, legal representative of the plaintiff, said that the good thing was that Ilic had finally remembered the incident and what was happening there after reviewing the footage. However, it was not a good thing that, besides the partial confession, there was still not a single word of apology or regret, which only meant that Ilic had not accepted the fact that he had done something wrong.

The main hearing was interrupted out of technical reasons and was rescheduled for February 8, when the remaining witnesses and forensic scientists would be called to the stand.

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