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16. 08. 2012


Belgrade, August 16, 2012 (NIN) - The new Serbian Government will appoint Gordana Predic, former journalist of TV Politika and high official in the SDPS political party of Rasim Ljajic to the position of the new state secretary of the Ministry of Culture, in charge of media.

According to her official public resume, available on Internet, Gordana Predic was working as journalist of RTV Politika, where she obtained great journalistic experience working as the correspondent, reporter, journalist and editor of news programs. Predic is also winner of the award Popularity Oscar, instituted by her late husband, renowned journalist Zoran Predic.

Gordana Predic worked in the daily Politika, magazines Bazar, RTV Revija and Horizont. She joined Rasim Ljajic's political party out of the desire to fight for the values founded on the society of equal opportunities and social justice, and to prove that "women may equally deal with all problems, not waiting for someone to solve them for them".

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