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14. 03. 2013

Nis politicians not to give up NTV

Nis, March 14, 2013. (Radio City) - The public debate on the Draft Law on Public Information was held today in the Gallery Serbia. Among other things, this Draft provides for the abolition of direct government funding of media. Given that the law directly affects Niska Television, the proponents of the idea that NTV has to become a regional public service were among the most vocal participants in the debate.

The presence of numerous politicians in this discussion clearly indicates their fear that if the Law is passed in its current form, they will lose their influence on the media and the possibility of self-promotion. Insistence on the idea that NTV deserves to be a regional public service reflects the level of competence of the participants. Representatives of the OSCE and the Ministry of Culture emphasized that regional public services were not treated by the Law on Public Information, but the Law on Electronic Media.

So far, the funds from the city budget has been directed to only one television and one print media. Instead, the new Law provided for project funding available to all media that submit projects of importance to the public interest.

Why is NTV afraid of privatization? The answer to this question is clear. Today, Nis had a chance to contribute to the new Draft Law on Public Information. Issues like criteria, commissions, prohibiting media concentration and the like should have been discussed. Instead we got very low level of civilized communication.

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