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22. 03. 2013


Lebane, March 22, 2013 (Vecernje novosti) - President of the Lebane Municipality Zoran Ilic from United Regions of Serbia (URS) requested from the RBA and the prosecutor's office to examine the legality of work of RTV Caricin Grad, owned by the leader of Lebane Progressive Party Srdjan Zivkovic.

Zivkovic however claims he is doing everything legal as he is airing his program over the cable network.

In the Lebane local self-government, the need for a local TV station that would adhere by the law and respect professional standards in reporting was expressed. However, municipality president Ilic claims that this is not currently the case as the owner of the only "survived" television and radio station in this town is doing as he pleases.

"TV Caricin Grad does not have a proper working license. Zivkovic is mounting pillars for cable TV that he owns illegaly, without paying off an eight-year-overdu debt to the local self-government for rent of premises", Ilic said.

Accused of constantly attacking current local administration in Lebane, headed by Ilic without any credible arguments, this media "mogule" said he was only airing official statements and releases of his and other political parties, surveys of citizens and features tackling problems of local residents.

After the rival TV Ris and radio station 104 were shut down, Zivkovic became the owner of the only remaining media in Lebane.

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