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12. 06. 2013


Belgrade, June 12, 2013 (Vecernje novosti) - The Draft Law on Information and Media foresees the new model of financing of public service broadcasters in Serbia.

The final decision on the model of financing of public media services will be provided in the laws that should enter the parliamentary procedure in autumn this year. They will include the abolition of the TV subscription fee for RTV and RTS as well.

This decision was ratified at the meeting of the First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic with the representatives of the Ministry of Culture and Media. This means that after 11 years, the citizens will be relieved of the obligation to pay TV subscription fee as RTS and RTV will be provided from the state budget funds.

The draft media laws stipulate temporary financing of two public service broadcasters from the budget funds until 2015.

The working version of the Law on Electronic Media foresees the state money to be used strictly for "carrying out public interest", which means news, scientific and children's program etc. Other costs of RTS will be financed from advertising revenues.

The first man of RTS Aleksandar Tijanic is concerned however if there would be enough money in the state budget for everything.

"The lower limit of our sustainability is 60 million of Euros per year. It is, however, enough only if the state does not take 20 million Euros from us on tax, but also if we downsize the staff."

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