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13. 06. 2013


Leskovac, June 13, 2013 (FoNet) - Director of the Directorate for Leskovac Urbanism Slavisa Zlatanovic decided to deny access to editor of the regional informative agency JUGpress and weekly Nova Nasa Rec and FoNet correspondent from South Serbia Ljiljana Stojanovic to his press conferences, arguing that her reporting was sensationalistic, orchestrated and affair-oriented.

According to him, Stojanovic informed Zlatanovic in the text message that JUGpress and Nova Nasa Rec had never been invited to his press conference last week and the ones he had held as a director of the Directorate.

Stojanovic said in the message that with this obviously preferential selection of media that are invited to his press conferences, Zlatanovic was discriminating against media and denying the public the right to be informed.

She pointed out that Zlatanovic had replied, also in a text message, that he would not call her in the future either, because she was "so bias".

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