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14. 06. 2013


Cacak, June 14, 2013 (Vecernje novosti) - A recommendation of the Cacak City Assembly, proposed by the SNS and delivered to the Serbian Government, Ministry of Culture and Media and Republic Broadcasting Agency (RBA) to ban reality shows "insulting for dignity and common sense", will soon be brought to court.

According to several councilors of the Cacak City Assembly and the Commissioner for Gender Equality Nevena Petrusic, the recommendation had pedophilia compared with homosexuality, which is unacceptable.

Namely, with the majority of votes, the Assembly submitted to the RBA the strenuous protest against "all program contents of TV with national frequency that insult ethics, promote pedophilia, homosexuality, insult dignity of the Serbian Orthodox Church and negatively affects the establishing of value principles of young generations".

With this very sentence, the LDP councilor Stojan Markovic claims, the rights of sexual minorities has been violated by equalizing pedophilia and homosexuality. "The freedom of sexual expression is one of the fundamental human rights, while pedophilia is a criminal offense", Markovic said.

Commissioner for Gender Equality Nevena Petrusic said that it was unacceptable to put homosexuality and pedophilia in the same context, as "it is suggested that homosexuality is a deviant behavior threatening to the society, which contributes to spreading of hate and intolerance towards sexual minorities".

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