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12. 07. 2013


Belgrade, July 12, 2013 (Danas) - The current situation in Sandzak media, much like in media in other parts of the country, is very difficult, both financially and professionally.

The situation is additionally aggravated with the current digital revolution that is on one side a challenge for the profession, but on the other, it changes the ways in which the citizens receive and exchange information.

In this context, practical solutions that will create conditions for equal market game, financial independence of media, production of quality and variety of program offer, as well as free flow of information on the Internet, are very important.

The laws, with whose adoption Serbia will implement the strategy for media reform, deal with all these aspects. Journalists have the significant part in this process as well. If they work in the interest of the public, primarily, they will attract the audience, which will lead them to better financial results. However, maybe they will not be as quick as one would hope, Chief of the Media Department of the OSCE Mission to Serbia Dragana Solomon told the Sandzak Danas.

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