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12. 08. 2013


Belgrade, August 12, 2013 (Danas) - Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection Rodoljub Sabic told the daily Danas the Government was still silent on the letter he had sent, requesting the release of so-called "working documents" of the Commission for investigating the security system of the late Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic.

The Constitutional Court was deciding on the complaint filed by the "Insider" journalist Mirjana Jevtovic, who had requested the Government to allow access to the materials in question, in keeping with the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance.

"I referred the journalist of B92 to act in line with the law and request the protection of the right to access to information of public importance from the court", the Commissioner said. "The fact that a document has been formally legally labeled as "classified" is not sufficient for denying the access to public", Sabic said.

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