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04. 09. 2013


Belgrade, September 4, 2013 (Beta) - A journalist of "E-novine" Sandra Dancetovic was reported of being assaulted in the heart of the Serbian capital.

As this portal reported, the journalist was attacked by an unidentified attacker, who had snatched her handbag together with her personal documents and salary.

The attack occurred on Tuesday evening at the corner of Strahinjica Bana and Rige od Fere streets, in downtown Belgrade.

The police has launched an investigation and is looking for a 25-year-old person who attacked the journalist in the center of Belgrade, Tanjug has learned in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Journalists' associations have condemned the attack, urging the authorities in their press releases to immediately find the perpetrator and bring the person responsible for the assault before the court.

Chief Editor of "E-novine" Petar Lukovic said however that the attack was classic case of street robbery, having nothing to do with the profession of the assaulted woman.

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