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09. 10. 2013


Belgrade, October 9, 2013 (B92, Tanjug) - The Ministry of Culture and Media has launched public discussion on the Draft Law on Electronic Media and the Draft Law on Public Service Broadcasters that will last until October 31.

As the Ministry has stated, presentations and discussion on the drafts of the laws will be held on October 16 in Novi Sad and on October 18 in Kragujevac, while the presentation and discussion on the Draft Law on Electronic Media is scheduled for October 21 and on the Draft Law on Public Service Broadcasters for October 23.

The draft laws are published on the website of the Ministry of Culture and Media, and it is expected that the expert public join the discussion with constructive proposals, thus contributing to finding best solutions for media in the media legislation, it was stated in the Ministry's press release.

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