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02. 11. 2013


Nis, November 2, 2013 (Narodne novine) - The National Library "Stevan Sremac" and Media Center Nis signed yesterday the Memorandum of Cooperation and Understanding, which had formalized already established collaboration of these two institutions and announced the activities for improving the media literacy of the Serbian citizens.
The organizations announced that by the end of this year and the beginning of next, a series of trainings will be organized in media literacy. The first group of participants will gather around twenty young Nis citizens who will be introduced to qualitative search and treatment of information.
As Director Mladen Velojic announced, members of the National Library will be able to use media library of the Nis Media Center as well, which has a collection of few hundreds of titles.
"Insuficient media literacy has led to the growing tabloidization of the media. Citizens are getting more and more information on the internet and social networks, however, they do it rather passively, without accessing to a quality treatment of an information", Velojic said, adding that the target group of the trainings would be primarily young people, who predominantly use internet when searching for information.

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