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08. 11. 2013


The Ministers' Conference on Media

Belgrade, November 8, 2013 (Blic) - 45 journalists and 28 citizens-journalists reporting on social networks were killed last years - it was said yesterday at the panels of the Ministers' Conference of the Council of Europe on freedom of expression and democracy in digital era.

At the panel "How to respond to threats to journalists", Chairman of the Commission for investigating murders of journalists Veran Matic said that, since there had been no lustration, "those who had ordered and maybe participated in the executions of journalists are still in the state administration".

The conference was opened by the Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic addressing the representatives of 47 countries of the Council of Europe with the words of conviction that Serbia was putting a lot of effort to apply the European standards in the media sphere.

Tasovac presiding

The Ministers' Conference at the "Metropol" hotel was opened by the Culture and Media Minister Ivan Tasovac as a chairperson of the conference. The day earlier, at the session of the Serbian Parliament's Culture and Information Committee and Sub-Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe for media, Tasovac expressed his striving to "actualize the principle of zero interest of the state for political role of media and absolute interest for its role in the society".

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