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09. 11. 2013


Belgrade, November 9, 2013 (Nase novine) - Closing the Ministers' Conference "Freedom of Expression and Democracy in Digital Age - Opportunities, Rights, Repsonsibilities", Minister of Culture and Media Ivan Tasovac said that this event in Belgrade had shown that Serbia was occupying an important position on the European media map and that it there were much more solutions in this area than problems.
Tasovac exressed his satisfaction for successful organization of the biggest international event for media in modern Serbia, as well as the fact that the conference was attended not only by representatives of executive power, but also members of the Parliament, NGO, journalists and media community.
Freedom and democracy in media policy, according to Tasovac, are not something that are won once and for all, but need to be conquered over and over again.
"I see the digital world of media... as a room with mirror walls, with countless pictures and endless opportunities, with two little warnings - as soon as you get into the room, first you switch on the light and then you open your eyes, four of them!", Tasovac concluded at the conference, attended also by the chairwoman of the Parliament's Culture Committee Vesna Marjanovic and Director General of the Council of Europe for Human Rights and Rule of Law Philipe Boillat.
The two-day Conference of ministers ""Freedom of Expression and Democracy in Digital Age - Opportunities, Rights, Repsonsibilities" was attended by representatives of 47 countries members of the Council of Europe.

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