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25. 11. 2013

Draft Law on public information in the Government by the end of the year

Belgrade, November 25, 2013 (Tanjug) - Assistant to the Minister of culture in charge of media relations Sasa Mirkovic said today that the Draft Law on public information should be sent to the Serbian Governement by the end of this year. Drafts on Laws on electronic media and public broadcasters are due in the first trimester of 2014.   

At the session of the Committee of culture and information of the Serbian Assembly, he said they were currently half way through in the analysis of suggestions referring to the draft Law on electronic media.

He said that public discussions on the draft laws gathered 140 participants, and the Ministry received 400 pages. Mirkovic said that the analysis of suggestions referring to the draft Law on electronic media was expected to be finished by the end of the week and following would be dealing with comments on the draft Law on public broadcasters.   

Assistant to the Minister thinks that seven to eight days would be enough for the analysis to be completed and it is expected that the two draft Laws would be sent to the respective Ministries and other bodies.

Deadline for their comments is 21 days, after which the Ministry of culture will implement the comments, so the drafts could be sent to the Serbian Government in the first trimester of 2014, Mirkovic added.

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