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22. 11. 2013

Sekulic: No possibility for public enterprises in media

Novi Sad, November 22, 2013 (Beta) - President of Association of media (ASMEDI) Zoran Sekulic said today in Novi Sad, that according to the Law on public enterprises, there is no more possibility for existence of public enterprises in media sphere.

"State does not have monopoly over public interest, therefore public media enterprises do not have it either. Media content should be financed through tenders and everyone should have equal conditions", Sekulic said at the Second regional conference on media in national minorities' languages in Novi Sad.

He said that privatization of media was abused and that is why the state has to ask for guaranties that the purpose of bought media public enterprises would not be changed. He added that resources for minorities' media content could be found by project financing as well.

"Status of the media founded by national councils should not be changed, but they need to have guaranteed editorial autonomy and independence", Sekulic said.

He emphasized that in the media registry, there are 1300 media, out of which 79 are public enterprises funded by the state.

"The state should finance media product in public interest and not employees' salaries", Sekulic said. The second regional conference about media in national minorities' languages named "Synthesis, synergy and symbiosis" is organized by media outlet "Magyar Szo" and media agency "Heror media pont"   

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