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13. 12. 2013

Debate on online media today

Belgrade, December 13, 2013 (Pregled) - Panel debate on the findings of Academy on media law in South East Europe "Online media regulation - where the regulation stops and overregulation starts" will be held today in Belgrade, it was announced in Regional Cooperation Council.

It is the second debate of Academy on media law in South East Europe, held from September 3 - 5, 2013 in Sarajevo. During the three-day work of the Academy, the participants considered issues of media pluralism, public broadcasting and freedom of media on Internet. The gathering is held parallely to the Second regional student competition in the area of international media law, with participants from the region. The panel debate is organized by RCC Secretariat and Law faculty in Belgrade. The participants will be greeted by RCC Secreatary General Goran Svilanovic. The participating panelists are Sasa Mirkovic, Assistant to the Serbian Minister of culture and media, Nevena Ruzic, Assistant to the Secretary General of Commissioner for Information of Public importance and Personal Data Protection, Boris Bergant, Expert of European Broadcasting Agency and Snezana Trpevska, Expert of Academy on media law in South East Europe.

Academy on media law strives to enhance cooperation in development and application of advanced media legislation in South East Europe aligned with international and European media standards. Academy gathers media professionals from the region, practicing media lawyers, legislators,  government officials, members of media regulatory and self-regulatory bodies, civil society and academia from South East Europe.

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