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23. 12. 2013

"New Media Laws in 2014"

Belgrade, December 23, 2013 (Tanjug) - Sasa Mirkovic , Assistant Minister of Culture and Information , at the round table organized by ANEM about the media scene, said he received positive feedback today from the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications to the draft law on public information.

According to him , comments are now expected from the Ministries of Finance and Justice, and also from the Secretariat for Legislation, and then through the Government Office for European Integration , a final opinion will be sought from Brussels.

The sooner all views are received, the faster the draft law will go before the Government , then the proposal before the deputies, said Mirkovic .

Mirkovic said that work is being done swiftly on the draft Law on Public Service Broadcasters and the Law on Broadcasting , explaining that the intention is that drafts be send by the New Year to a dozen addresses for consideration, and that responses should be received right after the holidays.

Mirkovic, referring to chapter 10 , which deals with media and information society , said that the first screening is planned for May , and bilateral for July , and that he hoped that screening will include these three new laws , which would allow for an even more modern legal framework.

He also reminded of the open call for proposals for projects to be funded by the Ministry in 2014. and that he expects that in 2015 the project financing model will be the dominant one.

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