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17. 12. 2013

New Code of Journalists of Serbia on Anti-corruption in Media

Belgrade, December 17, 2013 ( Beta ) - The Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia (IAJS), presented today in Novi Sad, a new Code of Ethics of Journalists of Serbia, which is amended with provisions on anti-corruption and the conflict of interest in media.

Member of the group that worked to amend the Code of Journalist Zlatko Minic said at a news conference that the new provisions prescribed rules about receiving gifts from companies, financing of travel and reporting on them, and the rules for the financing of meetings and events.

"Now the honor courts of both (journalists`) associations can act in the event of breach of the Code. Previously, it was possible for journalists to work while in a conflict of interests, to receive a gift or act unethically, because there were no recommendations and provisions to forbid this. Consequently, the honor court could not sanction such situations," said Minic.

He added that as a supplement to the Code a number of recommendations for newsrooms was added, like a recommendation that they adopt own "internal code of ethics" that will further elaborate that which is given in general terms.

The Secretary-General of IAJS Svetozar Rakovic said the Code was innovated by two associations - IAJS and the Association of Journalists of Serbia.

The new Code has been translated into nine languages ​​of national minorities - Albanian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Hungarian , Romany, Romanian, Ruthenian, Slovak and Croatian, with the assistance of the Ministry of Culture and the OSCE Mission (in Serbia).

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