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17. 12. 2013

TV Nova to Begin Broadcasting

Belgrade, December 17, 2013 ( Politika ) - Another television station - TV Nova - begins broadcasting today.

So far, just over the cable network, but, based on media announcement, it is expected that this media outlet will again request from the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RBA ) the allocation of a national frequencies, vacant after the closing of TV Avala .

Goran Karadzic, Deputy Chairman of the RBA Council, told our newspaper that no one has applied yet at the open competition for the national frequency:

"To Nova Television, i.e. Nova.rs, a license was issued last month for the cable broadcasting of program, at the request of cable broadcasters SBB. No one has yet applied at the open competition for the national frequency, which is open until 30 December," said Karadzic.

The previous competition was canceled on 9 August because neither TV Nova, nor TV Kopernicus received enough votes for the award of a national frequency.

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