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16. 12. 2013

RBA Council Submitted the Annual Report

Belgrade, December 16, 2013 ( Beta ) - The Council of the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RBA ) submitted on Monday to the National Assembly Committee for Culture and Information the annual report on the work of the Agency for 2012.

The RBA Council President Bishop Porfirije (Peric ), in presenting the report, said that during 2012  RBA issued 48 warnings, one public warning, 19 decisions to ban broadcasting of program without a license, and filed 22 criminal charges.

As pointed out by members of the Council Goran Karadzic and Bishop Porfirije, RBA is trying to perform even better its statutory duty, and not to act as a censor, nor to interfere in the editorial policy of the media outlets.

"If RBA strictly enforced the law, in Serbia we would not have even one broadcaster. During talks with representatives of the European Commission we realized that the situation is the same in European countries, and that it is not in the public interest that all broadcasters be shut down," said Karadzic who is the Deputy President of the RBA Council.

Committee member from the Democratic Party ( DP ) Gorica Mojović criticized the high average salaries in RRA which, in her words, amounts to RSD 150,000 gross and 105,000 net, as stated in the 2012 annual report.

Responding to her remarks, Bishop Porfirije stated that the salary prescribed by law for RBA Council members is 160,000 dinars, while the average salary of Agency employees is 70,000 dinars.

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