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19. 11. 2013

Brussels Boosts Support for Media in the Region

Belgrade, November 19, 2013 ( Euroaktiv ) - The European Commission has started discussion of the draft guidelines for the assistance that the EU will, over the next seven years, provide to media in Western Balkans and Turkey. The guidelines are to be adopted because media in these countries face a number of problems that must be addressed in order to fully establish democracy. The influence of politics on the media, the uncontrolled government assistance through the so-called "government advertising," non-transparent ownership , threats against journalists and their poor financial and social status are just some of the problems the EU aid will try to resolve.

International aid for the strengthening of independent media in the Balkans is being gradually withdrawn and there is no prospect that this trend will change, is said in the Graft Guidelines for EU Support Freedom and Integrity of Media in the Candidate Countries and Potential Candidates from 2014  to 2020.

Following specific problems are listed: not-transparent government support , non-transparent media ownership , as well as the poor economic status of journalists who often work without legal contracts that encourages self-censorship.

Also other major issues are named - the independence of the regulatory body is not stable nor sufficiently grounded in law , the judiciary is used too much to silence media with a critical attitude, and public services broadcasters have not yet been able to obtain editorial independence, financial sustainability, or report on services they provide to citizens.

The guidelines will be part of a strategy for pre-accession assistance , and a mechanism for constant monitoring of results will be established. The actors in the media market are invited to give their suggestions by mid December.

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