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24. 12. 2013


Belgrade, December 24, 2013 ( Mondo ) - A group of young men threatened the RTS crew, which was reporting on painted street lamps at Vojvode Stepa street in Belgrade.

The crew of Radio -Television Serbia, which was reporting on painted street lamps at Vojvode Stepa street in Belgrade, was threatened by a group of a dozen young men who also interfered with the filming. One hour after the filming the RTS crew received a threatening call from an unknown number.

The  painted street lamps at  Vojvode Stepa street in Belgrade caused a fear for their lives, because the citizens do not feel safe. The same problem was faced by the RTS crew, which was reporting on the problem Vozdovac citizens have for a month.

A group of a dozen young men was not far from the RTS crew during the filming. They were trying to interrupt the filming, have photographed the RTS crew with mobile phones, and at one point have surrounded the crew.

One hour after the filming the RTS crew received a threatening call from an unknown number.

An official from the Municipality of Vozdovac did not show up on the location, although he promised to do so. Later we were told that they were not responsible for the darkness at Vojvode Stepa street and that they are helpless.

The communal police said it is not their jurisdiction, because painted public lighting are not a threat to public peace and order and is the responsibility of the Secretariat for Inspection and  the Municipality of Vozdovac.

In the course of the day, one of the RTS interlocutors was told that it is better that those who took pictures of our crew not be seen. By the beginning of the TV program the police did not provide a spokesperson for this problem.

"This affects the safety of all of us, not just children but also adults. Tomorrow it will be snowing, slippery, I think we can have a lot of problems. Especially this time of year, it can become unbearable," said one resident.

No one is answering their request, citizens of Vozdovac said. They asked all public agencies responsible for public debate, but so far no one has done anything concrete, but they are just sent from one office to another.

Public local company "Public Lighting " after a call by RTS took to the field and submitted charges with relevant municipal utility inspection.

"We react only after receiving a response from the municipal inspection. On this issue, we have responded at about 30 locations in the city. Perpetrators have not been caught even once," said Jelena Dinic from that company for RTS.

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