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27. 01. 2014

It is important that students understand the media

Belgrade, January 27, 2014 (Danas) - At a time when the development of internet makes more accessible to the public an ever increasing selection of media content, there are many initiatives to introduce media literacy in the education system, so that young people could learn to critically analyze media and not accept everything for granted.

Some believe that media literacy should be a separate subject in schools, while others that it is sufficient to include it in civic education, but most agree that it is necessary to include it in school curriculum in one way or another. The Media Coalition (NUNS, UNS, NDNV, Local Press and ANEM) launched a "Campaign for Media Literacy" last year, with a goal to determine the perception of media and the level of understanding of the role of media and media culture among the younger and older population and that then, through a series of activities, to contribute to the development of an analytical approach to media content.

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