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11. 02. 2014


Novi Sad, 11.02.2014 (RTV) - Today is the Safer Internet Day. Serbia is one of the countries which will dedicate 11 February to the safer use of the Internet and to prevention of its misuse, especially where children are concerned.

Popularity in the real world today is acquired via computer. On Facebook and Twitter ones` popularity depends on the number of friends and provocative images, especially for girls. In Serbia ask.fm is becoming increasingly popular, a social network that caused a lot of controversy internationally because it enables anonymous posting of any question on someone`s profile.

Communication among youth has practically moved into the virtual world and it is taking place on social networks. Violence has also moved to the Internet, both among the children and against them. Nonetheless, Serbia lacks regulation in the legislation pertaining to the abuse of children on the Internet, according to a survey by the provincial ombudsman.

"Everything is unregulated and somehow mysterious, secretive, while the fact is that our children are increasingly exposed to this kind of abuse and exploitation via the Internet," says the provincial ombudsman.

Shutting down of the Internet is not the solution and it will not lessen the desire and need of children to be active on social networks, experts say. They note that it is more effective to talk to children, but also to parents and educators, and explain the consequences of the careless use of the Internet, so as not to fall into the trap of ever more present cyber violence.

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