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19. 02. 2014


19.2.2014 (Beta, Telegraf) - The Assistant Minister of Culture and Media of Serbia Sasa Mirkovic pointed out that if by mid next year digitalization of radio and television signals in Serbia is not complete, "there is a great danger that border areas will suffer from signal interference from TV stations of neighboring countries that have been digitized."

Assistant Minister of Culture and Media of Serbia Sasa Mirkovic said today that digitalization of television signals is to be completed within the stipulated deadline, by the middle of 2015.

I really believe that there will be no reason for (another) delay because this is the final deadline for digitalization, among other reasons - Mirkovic told reporters, noting that the previously set deadline was postponed for three years, "because it really was not realistic".

As Mirkovic pointed out, if by mid next year there is no digitalization of radio and television signals in Serbia, "there is a great danger in the border areas of Serbia of interference with local television broadcasters from neighboring countries that have already been digitized."

In that case these channels will cause interference for Serbian television stations, he said.

Mirkovic pointed out that digitalization is of great importance for the media and the population of Serbia. The deadline for the completion of digitalization of television signals in Serbia is 17 June 2015. Late in 2013 the initial network was extended, so that the test signal covers an area with 75 percent of the population of Serbia.

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