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21. 02. 2014


Cacak, 21. 02. 2014 (Beta, RTV) - The "Voice of West Serbia" web portal from Cacak announced today that it has received a number of comments and messages stating that it will not receive funding from the budget of the city of Cacak planned for media, and that it will be closed down on 16 March, after parliamentary elections.

Editorial staff said that threatening messages were received after the portal published yesterday the article "Poster Vandalism" about (election) posters of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS ) pasted on prohibited surfaces.

The article " Threats and Blackmail," signed by the editorial staff, states that "without investigating who and why is sending these messages, although it is more than clear where they come from, 'The Voice of West Serbia' will continue to work fairly and honestly".

The editorial staff stated that the media outlet has applied for city funding slated for media, but will leave the "decision to be made in good faith, by those who distribute public funds," and that the portal will, as always, inform the public about everything.

In the article "Poster Vandalism," which the portal published yesterday and which caused many negative comments by citizens, it is stated that the residents of the Cacak neighborhood of Lipa Avenue are bitter that their neighborhood was plastered with SNS posters.

Posters were attached to surfaces that are not intended for them, to fences of schools and kindergartens, to traffic signs, street lighting, and trees.

In addition to statements by community residents, photographs were published showing posters on prohibited surfaces as well as SNS activists and officials attaching them.

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