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26. 02. 2014


Novi Sad, 26.02.2014 (Beta) - The Share Foundation proposed today to all participants in the political life of Serbia that they sign a "Declaration on the Respect for Freedom of the Internet in Political Communication," which contains guidelines for political communication which comply with legal and ethical standards and respects the Internet culture.

The aim of the Declaration is to establish clear rules for an open and free political debate on the Internet, where everyone can express their opinions without fear of repression and censorship and other forms of human rights violations, it was noted in the press release.

It is said in the press release that it is important to establish a boundary between what constitutes legitimate political activities on the Internet and what is unacceptable conduct that violates ethical and legal norms and threatens Internet freedom and human rights.

"The Declaration therefore contains principles which all participants in political communication should consider so it would remain fair and correct, but it also points out legal sanctions that may follow as a result of violations of the principles," explained the Share Foundation.

They pointed out the phenomena such as the "mysterious disappearance" of certain video content from the Internet, hacking of websites of independent online media, and the mass abuse of the option for reporting Internet content.

The declaration can be signed at http://www.deklaracija.net/, and the potential abuses and violations of the principles of the declaration can be reported to deklaracija@sharedefense.org.

"Share Foundation will try to take appropriate legal action," states the press release.

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