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25. 02. 2014


25. 02. 2014 (Blic) - The RBA Council recommended to the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) to withdraw from broadcasting within 48 hours the election commercial in which the building of Delta Holding (company) is featured in a negative context. This decision followed a complaint by Delta, which two days ago protested because "in the SNS election commercial the name of the company was exploited in an inappropriate and unlawful manner."

The RBA Council noted that a number of companies appear in the SNS commercial and decided to recommend to the party to withdraw the commercial from broadcasting.

SNS said that they will act in accordance with the decision of RBA. Nebojsa Stefanovic, SNS Vice President, said, however, that such a decision is unprincipled because "the Agency approved all sorts of commercials a year and a half ago."

This also shows the extent of the real power of tycoons in Serbia - said Stefanovic.

Goran Karadzic, Deputy Chairman of the RBA Council, could not answer the question of what would happen if SNS does not comply with their recommendation.

RBA does not ban (content). Broadcasters are the ones who have to obey the law, and none of them has come to us regarding the controversial SNS commercial - Karadzic said.

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