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14. 03. 2014


14.3.2014 (B92) - Election silence that began at midnight and lasts until Sunday at 20.00, applies to all mass media including the internet and web portals.

This was stated by the president of the Republic Electorial Commission (RIK) Dejan Đurđević.

"The Internet is a mass medium and it applies to it, as well", said Đurđević.

He said that the election silence means that participants in the election campaign cannot send political messages and publish their programs through the media. The election silence will last from midnight to closing of election polls on 16 March at 20 hours. Election silence is regulated by the Law on the Election of Members of the Parliament.

Because of the electoral silence, from 14 March at midnight to 16 March at 20.00 hours, B92.net newsroom will not publish readers' comments related to election activities and party propaganda. B92.net newsroom will adhere to these rules until the legal deadline, i.e. the closing of election polls on Sunday night at 20 pm.

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