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14. 03. 2014


14.3.2014 (Tanjug, B92) - Executive director of the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RBA) Dragan Lukić assessed today that this year's election campaign, when it comes to broadcast media, was much more modest, but also more fair than the campaign of 2012.

Talking as a guest in the Morning program of TV Pink, Lukić said that the campaign was dynamic, that there was no negative campaign and that a considerable advance was made in terms of respecting the law and fairness.

The campaign was much more modest when it comes to using commercial time for presenting the candidates and election lists, said the executive director of RBA.

"In 2012, 5.600 advertisment messages were broadcast on all national television stations, including the Vojvodina public service broadcasters, while this year the number was only 3.200", Lukić explained.

He added that 252 election time slots were paid in 2012, and only 17 this year.

"Additionally, it is good that this year the politicians in the capacity of state officials used less than half the time they used in 2012 when appearing on TV", Lukić said.

Lukić stated that key issues in the campaign were investments, new jobs, economic, tax and social policy, infrastructure, energy and development.

When asked by journalists on the work of smaller radio and television stations outside of Belgrade, that is local and regional television stations, Lukić answered that the law is equal for all and that there is a somewhat larger number of irregularities on these stations, but that these "refer mainly to the lack of branding of election program as such".

The executive director of RBA reminded that the election silence is in force, lasting until Sunday at 20.00 hours, and he warned that all broadcasters should adhere to this legal obligation, while RBA will be monitoring the adherence to it.

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