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06. 03. 2014


6.3.2014 (Novi Magazin) - With the title "Serbia Sabotages German Media Entrepreneurs", 30 German media carried an article of the Agency DPA-AFX on the German investment in Serbia stalled due to a decision by the Council of the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RBA). The decision not to pass a decision on allocating national TV frequency for which the candidates were TV Nova, financed by German capital, and TV Kopernikus, triggered bitter anger with the Germans.

The media state that there is not an understanble reason why the decision has not been made long ago, while at the same time "broadcasting licences were extended to the local broadcasters over night". According to their assessment, such behaviour is "a very bad message that Serbia is sending to future investors around the world".

Analyzing the relation of RBA towards foreign capital, media in Germany state that six million EUR has been invested in TV Nova so far, and that the financing should amount to more than 18 million, while the business plan envisages 450 jobs. The conclusion is the following:

"Current blockade of German media entrepreneurs has its history. Several years ago, the leading European TV concern RTL Groupp did not manage to start its operation in Serbia. Representatives of Luxembourg had to listen to objections by authorities which do not have knowledge of television... Finally, the Funke-Group (WAZ) from Essen was literally thrown out of the country, although it had already invested 120 million EUR, according to some estimates. ‘A devastating signal for all foreign investors', state the critics of this decision".

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