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20. 03. 2014


20.3.2014. (Beta, RTV) -Head of the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Serbia Michael Davenport said today that media reforms are necessary so as to ensure media independence and pluralism of thought, the lack of which was noticed during the election campaign.

In his statement for TV B92, Davenport drew attention to the conclusions of the OSCE observers that self-censorship and a lack of political pluralism were noticed in the media during the election campaign.

He called on the government not to delay the implementation of media laws, pointing out that the previous government adopted the Media Strategy, actively supported by the EU, and that three new laws pertaining to the implementation of the Strategy have been long awaited.

According to him, the absence of this better framework for media activities was noticed during the election campaign.

"Although media pluralism exists in Serbia, of course, still the span of views that were offered during the campaign was limited in some aspects", said Davenport.

Head of the EU delegation reminded that the OSCE observers said that there was a sort of self-censhorship, possibly due to political and economic reasons. "It is not a hundred percent clear, but it is clear that such a phenomenon happened", said Davenport.

"Pressures coming from ruling parties, including non-transparent media financing from public funds, were pointed out", said Davenport and added that the new government should continue the reforms and give attention to the economy, reforms of the judiciary and public administration, and to the fight against corruption.

"We naturally want the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina to continue. It is very encouraging that the dialogue was continued during the election campaign and we now wish to see the full implementation of the Brussels agreement reached on 19 April last year", he added.

Davenport stressed that the EU wants to encourage the new government to "urgently deal with very important economic and structural reforms and laws concerning privatization, work, bankruptcy of companies, and it is also very important that it deals with the new law on planning and construction"

He said that the EU agrees with the general assessment of OSCE and its mission that the election process was conducted in a peaceful atmosphere, that the voters had the opportunity to choose among political options, and he stressed that the quality of voters' lists was improved.

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