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21. 03. 2014


Belgrade, 21.03.2014 (Danas, by B.Karovic ) - As many as 92 Internet operators (57 %) have no records of entry and duration of stay of persons in the rooms where information about the communication of citizens can be accessed, and many do not have separate rooms where technical devices are located.

Only 93 operators (57 %) claimed to have installed systems to detect unauthorized access, but only one has documented this. This is the result of the supervision by the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection Rodoljub Sabic over the implementation of the Law on personal data protection by operators that provide internet access to private individuals.

Also, during the written part of the supervision, which was carried out over 162 internet operators, only 25 (15 %) stated to the Commissioner that the so-called "retained data" was stored for 12 months from the date of communication, as is explicitly required by the Law on Electronic Communications, while all others stated shorter or longer time periods. Finally, concern is also caused by the fact that 115 operators (71 %) responded to the Commissioner by stating that employees who have access to data on electronic communications are not required to have any particular professional qualification, completed training, or security certification.

Sabic said to "Danas" that conducted supervision shows the lack of necessary conditions for the realization of the right to protection of personal data and the privacy of citizens' communications. As he pointed out, this deserves maximum attention from those responsible, from the competent ministry and the Republic Broadcasting Agency, to the Government and the Parliament.

- These and other facts indicate that most of the operators do not have adequate documentation about privacy and security of personal data, defined procedures to access them, or the knowledge of relevant legal provisions, all of which creates a substantial risk of possible unlawful data processing and the breach of privacy - says Sabic.

According to him, the second phase of the supervision is expected soon in the form of a direct supervision in the headquarters of a number of operators. Direct supervision of the operators is carried out because of a reasonable doubt in the truthfulness and accuracy of the answers given to the Commissioner, and for many other reasons.

- I am afraid that the results of the direct supervision will indicate an even worse situation and confirm the suspicion that the responses of a number of providers are wrong and untrue, i.e. tampered with - says Sabic.

Same Spelling and Grammatical Errors

Of the 184 operators submitted to the Commissioner's procedure, questions were answered and annexes provided by 162. Against 22 of those who have not done so, as well as against those who did so only formally (but are in fact are obstructing the supervision process), requests for initiating misdemeanor charges will be filed. Sabic says that, with certain exceptions, the submitted answers can be judged as unsatisfactory, very bad and disturbing. "It seems almost tragicomic that a number of operators have submitted questionnaires that were filled out in an absolutely identical manner, including identical spelling, grammatical and logical errors," said Sabic.

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