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21. 03. 2014


Belgrade, 21.03. 2014 (Tanjug) - A multimedia campaign with the slogan "Don`t Let Them Spin You", the aim of which is to draw attention primarily of high school students to the importance of checking information and having a critical approach to it, will start on Monday, 24 March, with radio and television spots, as well as on social networks, especially on Twitter.

The campaign organizers announced at a press conference that the campaign, which will last until June, includes for now eight television and eight radio stations, and that special emphasis is given to the Internet and social networks since they are increasingly used by young people.

Speaking about the importance of the campaign and media literacy, president of the Independent Journalists' Association of Vojvodina Dinko Gruhonjic said that media feature ever more propaganda and less objective reporting, which is why it is important that media content consumers be aware of the difference.

He believes that the media will not be able to spin the information so much if those on the other side no longer believe everything they read and do not "soak up like a sponge" all the information.

"There is ever less journalism and ever more propaganda," said Gruhonjic stating that the tabloidization of the society is under way.

Nenad Milosavljevic, editor of Njuz.net, a satirical website, noted that the media often approach information recklessly and without scrutiny.

In support of this statement Milosavljevic said that news from Njuz.net, although satirical, often ends up in mainstream media. He recalled one such news item about a Serb (tourist) killing a shark in Egypt that was re-published around the world.

Online community manager Milos Colovic said that the goal of the campaign, implemented by the Media Coalition, is primarily to raise awareness of high school students that they should critically approach information.

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