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26. 03. 2014


26.3.2014 (Politika, By D. Ivanović) - Television Nova filed yesterday, on the last day of the deadline for filing complaints, the complaint to the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RBA) Council's decision not to allocate the permit for a national broadcaster. The day before a complaint was lodged by TV Kopernikus. It is now up to the RBA administration to study the complaints and forward the report to the RBA Council for deliberation.

- Our expert administration has already begun working on these complaints and we expect the RBA Council members to decide on them shortly. They can accept one of the complaints, which automatically means that the permit for broadcasting national program would be awarded to the candidate whose complaint was accepted. Alternatively, both complaints can be rejected, which ends the competition for the allocation of the national frequency - Dragan Lukić, Executive Director of RBA, explained to Politika.

According to him, the RBA Council will pass the decision within the legal deadline.

At the second competition called by the RBA there were two candidates - TV Nova and TV Kopernikus. This was also the case at the first competition, which failed. At the RBA Council's session held at the end of February it was decided that the national frequency, once owned by TV Avala, not be allocated to either of the two candidates because the result of the anonymous vote was tied - four members voted for TV Nova, and four for TV Kopernikus. The decisive ballot was invalid.

If the RBA Council decides not to accept the complaints, it is questionable whether calling the new, third competition, would be purposeful.

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