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28. 03. 2014


28 March 2014 (NUNS) - Independent Journalists` Association of Serbia (NUNS) strongly protests against the new pogrom lists of "Serbian traitors," compiled by the movement SNP "Naši", and demands that the authorities protect public figures who are stigmatized in this way.

Among "Serb-haters" are well-known artists, professors, and prominent journalists, mostly members of NUNS.

NUNS reminds the public that SNP "Naši" repeatedly and with impunity made lists of individuals and media outlets to be banned. We caution that naming of opponents during the time of heated emotions related to the marking of the 15th anniversary of the bombing of Yugoslavia and the start of court proceedings in the lawsuit and countersuit between Croatia and Serbia for genocide, can act as a trigger for all radical individuals and groups.

NUNS respects the right to public expression and different opinions, but considers it impermissible that in the 21st century Serbia lists of the "unsuitable" are made again and urges the authorities to take all legal measures to prevent public outbursts of hatred and labeling of people.

The protest by NUNS was joined by the House of Human Rights and Democracy consisting of:

- Civic Initiatives
- Belgrade Centre for Human Rights
- Lawyers' Committee for Human Rights - YUCOM
- The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights
- Policy Center
NUNS Secretariat 
In Belgrade, 28 March 2014


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