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10. 04. 2014


10.4.2014 (Danas; By B.Cvejić) - Television Pink recently informed the Republic Broadcasting Agency (RBA) that it no longer intends to broadcast its 68 channels in the Serbian cable system. Therefore, RBA decided to revoke the licence for these channels before the expiration date.

However, TV Pink submitted a request for broadcasting licences in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where program distribution fees are lower. It will again be available in the offer of cable operators in Serbia as a channel from the region which does not need a licence by the local regulator, Danas found out.

According to the RBA website, cable broadcasting licences for 68 channels were revoked in Serbia. Among the channels are - Pink 3, Pink Action, Pink Folk, Pink Music, Pink Movies, Pink Films, Pink Comedy, Pink Family, Pink Reality, Pink Kids, Pink Erotica...

The Regulatory Agency for Communications of Bosnia and Herzegovina confirmed to Danas that TV Pink submitted a request for licences, which were already granted, but the Agency did not manage to send us a response with detailed information yesterday.

The registry of licence users on the web site of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian regulator shows that the right to broadcast program in this country was granted to 40 specialized channels of television Pink.

We did not obtain a comment from television Pink yesterday as the person in charge of public relations was not answering the telephone, neither was the owner and director of the television Željko Mitrović.

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